Friday, April 9, 2010

What it takes to be a strongman

What it takes to be a Strongman
By: Jeffrey Lara

Since the year 2005 when I Jeffrey Lara was in 8th grade my dream of becoming the World’s strongest man started. Ever since I was in the 4th grade I started lifting at the Red Banks YMCA, I lifted so once I got to high school I would have no problems lifting weights on either a team or for myself. This passion grew stronger and by the time I hit the 7th grade I was dead lifting 400 lbs and bench pressing over 225. Once I hit the 8th grade I was weighing close to 230 and was as strong as most high school seniors. When high school started I played football and loved it but I also realized that I had my dream peeking behind me the whole time, I wanted to be a strongman so I signed up for my first competition in Linden NJ, I did pretty well counting the fact that it was my first heavy weight teens competition. From then on my mind was set, I wanted to win my pro card and win the World’s strongest man. So far I have come in 3rd in the NJ Strongest man competition and have placed well in a couple of big competitions. My strength has increased so much because the 5,000 calorie intake I have each day, my diet consists of around 5 meals containing chicken, meat, or fish. The reason I love the sport of Strongman is because when you win it is because you put the time and effort to win. This sport allows you to truly test your mind because you may do bad in the first event and you must have the confidence to continue for the next events, as where in other sports you depend on who is winning by the 3rd quarter to determine who wins, the guy who comes in last place in the first event still may win the competition if he dominates the last 4 or 5 events. My plans as a strongman are to win my pro- card either during my senior year of high school or within the first 2 years of college, I still have some more weight to gain which usually takes time counting the fact that I lift in the gym 5 days a week and am training outdoors 2-3 times a week on strongman events, which burn hundreds of calories. My dream is to win the World’s strongest man not only because I love the sport, but it is easily the most prestigious title a man can win.

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